Employer: AAATrade
Location: Limassol, Cyprus
Project Type
Mobile Trading App
Project Overview
The AAATrade Mobile Trading App was designed from scratch to bring the features and functionality of the web platform into a mobile experience. My role as Head of Design involved creating efficient user flows, designing a seamless profile builder to meet compliance requirements, and ensuring the app could handle the complexity of a trading platform on a smaller screen.​​​​​​​
Research & Strategy
The UX strategy was based on benchmarking existing trading apps and aligning the design with shareholder directions. The database entity relationships played a key role in structuring efficient user flows, helping to streamline trading actions on the app.
Benchmarking: Review of competing trading apps to identify best practices.
Database Analysis: Used insights from database structures to create more feasible and user-friendly flows.
Creative Approach
The core challenge was translating complex web trading functionalities into a mobile format. The approach was design-driven and user-centered, focusing on simplicity and speed to ensure that users could trade, manage portfolios, and build profiles without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, the design process took into account the limitations of the Xamarin platform, such as balancing native elements for iOS and Android to ensure a cohesive experience across both systems.
Simplified Navigation: Ensured fast, intuitive user interactions that align with native behaviors on both platforms.
Compliance-Friendly Design: Developed a seamless profile builder that adhered to regulatory requirements.
Xamarin Compatibility: Adapted the design to account for platform-specific elements, ensuring a smooth transition between iOS and Android while maintaining the app's core functionality.
Design Execution
Collaborating with developers, I led the design of all app elements while ensuring cross-platform consistency. By developing a scalable design system, I facilitated a seamless transition between design and development, considering the constraints imposed by Xamarin for a unified user experience across devices.
Design System Creation: Built modular UI components that simplify implementation across different platforms.
Developer Collaboration: Structured tasks to align with framework, ensuring that platform-specific UI elements were efficiently integrated.
Optimized Performance: Designed lightweight assets and simplified animations to mitigate performance issues inherent in cross-platform development.
Key Design Features
Seamless Profile Builder: Compliance-friendly yet simple profile creation process that reduces friction.
Mobile-Optimized Trading: Adapted full trading functionalities from the web platform to mobile, ensuring smooth transactions on smaller screens.
Design System: Built a design system for future scalability and developer handoff.
The mobile app successfully translated the web platform's robust trading functionality into a mobile-friendly interface. The app streamlined user actions and adhered to regulatory requirements, making the mobile trading experience fast, secure, and intuitive.
Stakeholder Approval: Positive feedback for the seamless integration of complex features into a mobile format.
User-Friendly Design: App praised for its intuitive interface and ease of use.
Skills & Tools
UX/UI Design
Design Systems
Mobile App Design

Cinema 4D
After Effects
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